If I have a set of words (DBpedia resources) storing in arraylist how can I build a SPARQL query to find all possible direct on indirect relation between these terms? the major problem is I don't know what's the relation type that I'm searching for.
suppose that my arraylist contains 3 words, France,Paris, Europe How can I write a query that returns the direct relation (or indirect relation of 2 hops) between France-Paris ,Paris-Europe and France-Europe
hope that I clear up what I'm looking for
What you can do is to use VALUES
to set a variable to your set of resources, but do it twice, once for each end of the relation. Then use a variable as a predicate to find what the relation is. Something like:
SELECT ?resource1 ?p1 ?intermediary ?p2 ?resource2
VALUES ?resource1 { :Paris :France :Europe }
VALUES ?resource2 { :Paris :France :Europe }
FILTER(?resource1 != ?resource2)
?resource1 ?p1 ?resource2
?resource1 ?p1 ?intermediary.
?intermediary ?p2 ?resource2.
The results are: