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How to replace node in sharded replica set?

I got sharded mongodb setup with two replica sets:

mongos> db.runCommand( { listShards : 1 } )
    "shards" : [
            "_id" : "rs01",
            "host" : "rs01/,"
            "_id" : "rs02",
            "host" : "rs02/,"
    "ok" : 1

Node just went down, and I replaced it with another one (ip-address changed). Replica set reconfiguration was pretty easy, just rs.remove() and rs.add() Now I have to update host config for shard rs01. What is proper way to do it?


  • Many times you would need to modify the host string for a shard. The simplest way to change host string is to run an update operation.

    Connect to mongos and do this -

    > use config
    > db.shards.update({ "_id" : "rs01"},{$set : { "host" : "rs01/newip:27017,anothernewip:27017"} })

    You might need to restart all mongos.

    Hope this helps :-)