I've run into an issue where I've much to my dismay had to use update a view via jQueries .html function, so effectively looks like
$('#directory-view').html( response.html );
This adds items to a table, the markup is as follows
<tr data-marked="0" id="file-49" data-id="49" data-folder="0" data-readonly="0">
<td width="30">
<span class="action file"></span>
<td class="filename">
<td width="200" class="uk-text-center">
<td width="200" class="uk-text-center">
<span data-uk-tooltip title="15/05/2015 11:17:53">8 minutes ago</span>
<td width="100" class="uk-text-center">
Then I've got my AngularJS Directive as follows
App.directive('marked', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function($scope, element, attrs){
/* Toggle the marked state of a table row */
element.on('click', function(e){
var marked = element.attr("data-marked") == "1" ? "0" : "1";
element.attr("data-marked", marked);
/* If the url contains a file-34 it will
automatically scroll to it and mark it as selected */
if( window.location.hash && element.attr('data-marked') == "0" ){
However the issue that I'm having is, that angular isn't detecting new table content so isnt attaching the directive to the new items.
I tried my luck with this but it isn't working
$('#directory-view').html( response.html );
Could somebody point me in the direction as to make angular check for new items and hookup the directives again please.
Many thanks
You will need to use the compile service on the new html
var element = $compile(response.html)($scope);