I am newbie from Visual Studio C++. I am using CFileDialog to get the file name and file path from user input. and now i want to use progress control that is loading process and user have to wait depend on your input file size. Now I got the file name and file path by using CFileDialog but I don't know how to get a user input file size.
I am using below method and it always return zero.
int FileSize(const char * szFileName)
struct stat fileStat;
int err = stat(szFileName, &fileStat);
if (0 != err)
return 0;
return fileStat.st_size;
Please suggest me if you have a better solution to get a file size.
Thanks you very much.
The standard portable way to do it would be:
long long sz; // int would be to small for many files !
ifstream ifs(test);
return 0; // when file couldn't be opened
ifs.seekg(0, ios::end);
sz = ifs.tellg();
return sz;
The native windows approach would be to use GetFileSize()
But if you look at an MFC alternative that doesn't open the file first, you may look at this SO question.