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Netezza SQL scan function

The issue is I have a table with an identifier column that is - seperated (example of a column value could be: TOM-XYZ12356-DIM34345-TE123456 or TOM-XYZR3455667AB-RXB75855-RYB434553)

My main focus is to try and extract that 2nd part of the identifier. In the above examples it would be (XYZ12356 and XYZR3455667AB). I tried something simple below but keep getting the error "Attribute '-' not found"

SELECT substr(identifier,1,Charindex("-",identifier) -1)

Perhaps i am not specifying the start point correctly or maybe I am not using the right function. Can i use some ther function other than Charindex?


  • You can use SUBSTR and INSTR to get the results you want.

    select * from tableA;
    (1 row)

    SUBSTR works as you would expect (although it seems your parameters are out of order) and you can use INSTR to provide the start character after the first '-', and then calculate the SUBSTR length by substracting the position of the first '-' from the position of the second '-'.

    SELECT SUBSTR(col1, instr(col1,'-',1,1)+1 , instr(col1,'-',1,2) - instr(col1,'-',1,1) -1 )
    FROM tableA;
    (1 row)

    Check the syntax for SUBSTR and INSTR here.