I want to clean up some old code and optimize it, which often uses the same code. (with only different names of functions to call)
I make a easier example and no, I don't write on a game. But this example looks more comprehensible to explaination of my issue.
Easier Example:
Target was something like this:
myFunc(funcName,value) {
$('.btn_sleep') { myfunc('sleep','1'); }
$('.btn_cName') { myfunc('changeName','Harold'); }
$('.btn_uItem') { myfunc('useItem','1423'); }
First I thought about to use eval(), because no user-input will come near of this functions. But I dislike this idea because of the performance lost.
Then I looked around for alternatives and found window[] and new function() as solution.
But I dont get an idea how to use it, when I want to dynamcially call a function by name in an object-notation. (Or in worser cases, when you've to get the result for an if-condtion from a function, which you called with object-notation.)
Could anyone help?
The best way I know how to dynamically call functions is using bracket notation because it allows you to set your object path with a variable
function myFunc(funcName,value) {