I successfully inserted a document using the following code:
public async Task<List<Book>> ListBooks(BooksSearchFilter booksSearchFilter)
_client = new MongoClient(); //ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MongoConnection"]
_db = _client.GetDatabase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MongoDatabaseName"]);
var collection = _db.GetCollection<Book>("book");
Publisher p = new Publisher {
Name = "O'Reilly Media",
Founded = 1980,
Location = "CA" };
Book bookTest = new Book {
Language = "English",
Pages = 68,
PublishedDate = DateTime.Now,
Publisher = p,
Title = "MongoDB: The Definitive Guide" };
bookTest.Author = new List<string>();
await collection.InsertOneAsync(bookTest);
var books = await collection.Find(b => b.Language =="English").ToListAsync();
But when i tried to read a record using the following code it returns an empty list:
var books = await collection.Find(b => b.Language == "English").ToListAsync();
Please note that when i press F10 to step over this line in debugger the cursor disappear and Fiddler shows empty results, Do I miss something?
The entities I used:
public class Book
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public List<string> Author { get; set; }
public DateTime PublishedDate { get; set; }
public double Pages { get; set; }
public string Language { get; set; }
public Publisher Publisher { get; set; }
public class Publisher
public string Name { get; set; }
public double Founded { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
I attempted to reproduce what you are describing, but when I use F10 to step over this line of code:
var books = await collection.Find(b => b.Language == "English").ToListAsync();
the result is that the value of the books variable is a List with one element in it, just as expected.
Fiddler wouldn't show anything anyway, because it monitors HTTP traffic and the protocol between a MongoDB driver and the server is a binary protocol over a TCP socket.