I'm probably doing this wrong but I can't figure out how to fix it.
I want to test a controller that uses a resource (ngResource) and I want to use a Spy as a test double for the resource so it doesn't actually do the http call. In the code below I just want to test the search function in the controller.
controllers = angular.module('app.controllers');
controllers.controller('landingCtrl', ['$scope', '$q', 'categoryResource', function ($scope, $q, categoryResource) {
$scope.search = function (text) {
console.log('searching for: ' + text);
var deferred = $q.defer();
categoryResource.query({ searchTerm: text }, function (result) {
if (result.length == 0) {
deferred.resolve(['No results found']);
} else {
return deferred.promise;
var services = angular.module('app.services');
services.factory('categoryResource', ['$resource', function ($resource) {
var resource = $resource('/api/category');
return resource;
Spec for landingCtrl:
describe('Controller: landingCtrl ', function () {
var $q,
beforeEach(inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$q_) {
$q = _$q_;
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
// mock any depencencies, like scope. $resource or $http
beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $injector, categoryResource) {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
spyOn(categoryResource, 'query').andCallFake(function (searchText) {
console.log('query fake being called');
var deferred = $q.defer();
deferred.resolve(['Test', 'Testing', 'Protester']);
return deferred.promise;
landingCtrl = $controller('landingCtrl', {
'$scope': $scope,
'$q': $q,
'categoryResource': categoryResource
afterEach(inject(function ($rootScope) {
it('should return words with "test" in them"', function () {
$scope.search('test').then(function (results) {
The test executes without errors but it passes without ever resolving the promise so my code inside the "then" function never gets called. What am I doing wrong?
I've created a plunker with the above and a test that should fail:
Your spec is mocking categoryResource.query()
so it returns a promise, but your controller isn't expecting that. It calls query()
and passes a callback, and within that callback it does its thing. In other words, your spec isn't testing what your controller does.
Here's your fixed spec:
spyOn(categoryResource, 'query').andCallFake(function (searchText, callback) {
console.log('query fake being called');
callback(['Test', 'Testing', 'Protester']);
it('should return words with "test" in them"', function () {
var results;
$scope.search('test').then(function (_results_) {
results = _results_;
Notice that I have moved the expectation outside the then()
callback, so your test breaks if the promise isn't resolved.