I'm trying to make some transition effects for my page.
The goal is to fade in the page when you first enter, and then when you click a link, the page will fadeout and fadein the destination page. But It won't get the destination url so when i click a link, the url changes to www.example.com/#undefined
Any suggestions?
jQuery("body").css("opacity", 0);
jQuery(function ($) {
$("body").fadeTo(1500, 1);
$(document).on("click", "a", function (event) {
$("body").fadeTo(1500, 0, function () {
// get the href attribute
var newUrl = $(this).attr("href");
// veryfy if the new url exists or is a hash
if (!newUrl || newUrl[0] === "#") {
// set that hash
location.hash = newUrl;
// now, fadeout the html (whole page)
$("body").fadeTo(1500, 1, function () {
// when the animation is complete, set the new location
location = newUrl;
// prevent the default browser behavior.
return false;
Within the inner function, this
doesn't point at the <a>
element that was clicked. Move the resolution of newUrl
outside of that function:
jQuery("body").css("opacity", 0);
jQuery(function ($) {
$("body").fadeTo(1500, 1);
$(document).on("click", "a", function (event) {
// get the href attribute
// "this" is still the <a> element here
var newUrl = $(this).attr("href");
$("body").fadeTo(1500, 0, function () {
//here, where you were trying to get the url, "this"
//points to the animated element, ie body
// veryfy if the new url exists or is a hash
if (!newUrl || newUrl[0] === "#") {
// set that hash
location.hash = newUrl;
//just update the location without fading in at this point
location = newUrl;
// prevent the default browser behavior.
return false;