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Where are the thumbnails stored on Nokia phones for captured images?

The following link shows the list of directories where the thumbnails are stored in the respective phones:

but the phones given on the link are limited. Does it mean that, for other phones (such as N86, Expressmusic etc), I do not have access to thumbnails? I tried using all the directory structures given on the link, but none are working for the mentioned phones. Does anybody know anything about it?


  • I don't know if it is what you need, but you can fetch embedded thumbnail out of full-size JPEG file. In my j2me application I show the phone gallery this way.

    private final static int STOP_AT_BYTE = 8192;   //how far to search for thumbnail
    private final static int THUMB_MAX_SIZE = 16284; 
    private Image getThumbnailFromStream(InputStream str, long fileSize)
        byte[] tempByteArray = new byte[THUMB_MAX_SIZE]; // how big can a thumb get.
        byte[] bytefileReader = {0}; // lazy byte reader
        byte firstByte,secondByte = 0;
        int currentIndex = 0;
        int currByte = 0;
        try {
            firstByte = bytefileReader[0];
            secondByte = bytefileReader[0];
            currByte += 2;
            if ((firstByte & 0xFF) == 0xFF && (secondByte & 0xFF) == 0xD8) {    //if this is JPEG
                byte rByte = 0;
                do {
                    while (rByte != -1 && currByte < fileSize) {
                        rByte = bytefileReader[0];
                    rByte = bytefileReader[0];
                    if (currByte > STOP_AT_BYTE) {
                        return null;
                } while ((rByte & 0xFF) != 0xD8 && currByte < fileSize); // thumb starts
                if (currByte >= fileSize) {
                    return null;
                tempByteArray[currentIndex++] = -1;
                tempByteArray[currentIndex++] = rByte;
                rByte = 0;
                do {
                    while (rByte != -1){
                        rByte = bytefileReader[0];
                        tempByteArray[currentIndex++] = rByte;
                    rByte = bytefileReader[0];
                    tempByteArray[currentIndex++] = rByte;
                } while ((rByte & 0xFF) != 0xD9); // thumb ends
                tempByteArray[currentIndex++] = -1;
                Image image = Image.createImage(tempByteArray, 0, currentIndex-1);
                tempByteArray = null;
                return image;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        return null;