I have a Criteria
using Hibernate like this
public class Student
private Integer id,discriminatorColumn,discriminatorValue;
//other stuff omitted for brevity
This entity has a discriminatorColumn
which have values from 1 to 10 (never NULL
) and each discriminatorColumn
has a discriminatorValue
which have a value from 1 to 100
(never NULL
Example: (Student data)
ID DiscriminatorColumn DiscriminatorValue
1 1 3
2 2 4
3 1 13
And so.
I am trying to get a SUM
of the DiscriminatorValue
grouping by DiscriminatorColumn
I mean, in the previous example if I filter by DiscriminatorColumn = 1
I would receive SUM=16
final Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Student.class)
"sum({alias}.discriminatorValue) as rowCount",
"hibernateAlias.discriminatorColumn having rowCount>0",
new String[]{"rowCount"},
This creates the rightSQL
I see something like this
select sum(discriminatorValue) as rowCount
from student
group by discriminator_column
having rowCount>0
The problem i have is when i set the resultSetTransformer
to Student.class I could not find the way Hibernate populates the sum
of discriminatorValue
column result in discriminatorValue
Java field.
I think that for that purpose is use the following parameter new String[]{"rowCount"}
But I have tried
new String[]{"discriminatorValue"}
new String[]{"this.discriminatorValue"}
new String[]{"{alias}.discriminatorValue"}
new String[]{"{studentAlias}.discriminatorValue"} using alias in Criteria
new String[]{"rowCount as discriminatorValue"}
new String[]{"rowCount as this_.discriminatorValue"}
and So On..
But seems impossible what i am doing wrong? It's not possible? Sum the values as set it as a simple Property as retrieving regular from database
I have written my own transformer for this but it's kind of annoying.
I have found the answer:
Projections.sqlGroupProjection("sum({alias}.discriminatorValue) as rowCount","hibernateAlias.discriminatorColumn having rowCount>0",new String[]{"rowCount"},Helper.HIBERNATE_INTEGER_INSTANCE)
Seems the rowCount
aliasing in new String[]{"rowCount"}
is just for MySQL syntax or is just ignore by Criteria engine
is you need to use a alias to populate a property of your EntityClass use outer alias instead
yourProjections.add(Projections.alias(Projections.sqlGroupProjection("sum({alias}.discriminatorValue) as rowCount","hibernateAlias.discriminatorColumn having rowCount>0",new String[]{"rowCount"},Helper.HIBERNATE_INTEGER_INSTANCE),"discriminatorValue"));
Just wrap your sqlGroupProjections
in a Projection.alias
as set the alias match your property in your Java class and Hibernate will populate with the sum result and not custom transformer are not longer required