I am new to mongoDB and using java with mongoDB. I have a json where I want to retrieve the column names and not the value.I also need to store it in two different array.
Desired output is:
column [ ] = views, AddToCart, AddToWishList, ZoomedProductImage
list [ ] = fSymbol, num, operator
and the JSON:
"views": {
"fSymbol": "",
"num": 0.1,
"operator": "*"
"AddToCart": {
"fSymbol": "+",
"num": 0.15,
"operator": "*"
"AddToWishList": {
"fSymbol": "+",
"num": 0.1,
"operator": "*"
"ZoomedProductImage": {
"fSymbol": "+",
"num": 0.07,
"operator": "*"
Try keySet()
BasicDBObject searchQuery = new BasicDBObject();
DBCursor cursor = table.find(searchQuery);
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
check the docs