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How to create venn diagram in R studio from group of three frequency column

How to create a venn diagram in R from


user  has_1  has_2  has_3
3431  true   false  true 
3432  false  true   false 
3433  true   false  false 
3434  true   false  false 
3435  true   false  false 
3436  true   false  false 

There are thousands such row.

I want to show how many users have has_1, has_2 and has_3 and their intersections as it is shown in Venn digram.


  • Here's one way to do it using the package venneuler:

    df <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "user  has_1  has_2  has_3
    3431  true   false  true
    3432  false  true   false
    3433  true   false  false
    3434  true   false  false
    3435  true   false  false
    3436  true   false  false", colClasses = c("numeric", rep("logical", 3)))

    Look at this graph:

    enter image description here