Search code examples

ElasticSearch/Lucene query string — select "field X exists"

How do I query ElasticSearch through Kibana to select items that have field X?

For example, I have a mapping with fields {"a": {"type": "string"}, "b": {"type": "string"}}, and two documents

{"a": "lalala"}
{"a": "enoheo", "b": "nthtnhnt"}

I want to find the second document without knowing what its b actually is.


  • Use the exists filter, like:

    POST /test_index/_search
        "filter": {
            "exists": {
               "field": "b"

    EDIT: If you need a Lucene query-string query, this should do it:

    POST /test_index/_search
       "query": {
          "query_string": {
             "query": "b:*"

    Here is some code I used to test it: