I'm using Netbeans IDE with C/C++ plugin.
My code compiles without any problem.
is defined (-DCURL_STATICLIB
also tried #define CURL_STATICLIB
This is all my linked libs.
I'm trying to avoid packaging the exe with multiple DLLs, so I'm trying to statically link it.
Even though after link I still get the dependency errors. (libcurl.dll libeay32.dll)
So i found out how to do it. I just wanted to share it so maybe it could help someone :).
Go to Right click your project > Properties > C++ Compiler > Type in Preprocessor Definitions
And you still need to link this libraries
curl ssh2 idn ssl crypto wldap32 rtmp z (Libz or zip) ws2_32 winmm
NOTE: arrangement should be also the same
CURL_STATICLIB only didn't work for me I did a little research on CURL compiler definitions and tried this, then it worked.