i am going to integrate some applications using RabbitMQ. Now i am facing the design issue. Right now i am having one application producing message and one application consuming it (in future more are possible). Both applications have access to some database. Application A is some kind of registration application when it receives registration request it sends message to on rabitmq. Now application b receives this message and its task is to load the registration data to elasticsearch server. Now i have some options
consumer will read the message and id from q and load the data and send it to the elastic search server fastest throughput. Because things will move in asynchronous way. other process which may be running on separate server will loading the data and sending to elastic server
consumer will read the message and id from the q and then call the rest service to load the company data. will take more time for processing each request as it will be having network overhead.although it will save time to data load but will add network delay. And it will by pass the ESB(Message Broker) also. (i personally think if i am using esb in my application it is not necessary that i use it for every single method call)
send all the registration data in the message. consumer will receive it and just upload it to elasticsearch server.
which approach i should follow?
Apparently there are many components to your application set up that is hard to take into account and suggest a straightforward answer. I would suggest that you should look into each design and identify I/O points, calls over the network and data volume exchanged over the network. Then depending on the load you expect and the volume of data you expect to store over time I would suggest you hierarchize these bottlenecks giving a higher score depending on the severity of it. Identify the one solution that has the lowest score and go with that.
I would suggest you should benchmark the difference between sending only the iq or sending the whole object. I would expect that the difference is negligible.
One suggestion. Make your objects immutable. It is not directly relevant with what you are describing but in situations like yours, where components are operating "blindly" you will find that knowing that an object has not changed state is a big assurance.