I'm not certain if I have a problem with the async handling in my code or my use of the ArcGis desktop. I wanted to query a feature layer I had created to see if a facility lay within the feature layer's polygon. I wrote the following code for the query:
var query = new Query(new Envelope(-180, 0, 0, 90), SpatialRelationship.Within)
Geometry = new MapPoint((double) facility.Latitude, (double) facility.Longitude)
QueryTask queryTask = new QueryTask(new Uri("http://services3.arcgis.com/eJFBr5VfFl7nBQt4/arcgis/rest/services/Zone_Features/FeatureServer/0"));
var result = queryTask.ExecuteAsync(query).Result;
When I run through the code, the code never steps past the var result
line. I've waited minutes, but it stays there, awaiting the result. Am I missing something?
If you were using ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET then you would have to await ExecuteAsync like QueryResult queryResult = await queryTask.ExecuteAsync(query); Have they switched to async model in 10.2?