I tried to draw a graph in circle layout.I have given the x and y position for the nodes as follows X=Math.cos(Math.PI*(u)/l)*R
where u is an incrementor and l is number of nodes and R is radius. the equation seems to be correct.Problem is the graph is tilted to left side.
For a simple graph also(for two nodes) edge is not in the horizontal position, I think the position of x and y is changed in some other function call(sigma libraries)
Can anyone help me in this regard
In the animate.html example into sigma.js, there is an example of 'circle graph'.
And the correct formula is :
circular_x: L * Math.cos(Math.PI * 2 * i / N ),
circular_y: L * Math.sin(Math.PI * 2 * i / N ),
If I use this code, and I generate a graph of two node, edge is horizontal.
I used sigma v1.0.3