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Help to choose Alfresco or Nuxeo for DMS

I have requirement to develop DMS(Document Managemen System) with some initial requirements:

  1. If possible DMS should be open source
  2. Initially DMS should support up to 500 users
  3. System should be scalable in sence od users or content
  4. Docuemtns/Content should be stored on a file system
  5. Document should be able to be marked for later destruction
  6. Mandatory to have workflow capabilities
  7. Mandatory to have version control capability
  8. Nice to have SSO(Single Sign On) with Liferay portal
  9. Nice to have posibility to expose some of funccionality via portlets in Liferay
  10. Document management should be done via the web interface
  11. Nice to have shared drive capability
  12. Nice to have events and notifications about add/change content

At the moment I am in doubth to choose between Alfresco and Nuxeo.

I will appreciate any help to choose between them.

Thanks in advance


  • I have not much experience with Nuxeo, but here is for Alfresco:

    1.If possible DMS should be open source


    2.Initially DMS should support up to 500 users

    Yes, if you have a good server.

    3.System should be scalable in sence od users or content


    4.Docuemtns/Content should be stored on a file system

    Yes. Only metadata is stored in a database.

    5.Document should be able to be marked for later destruction

    The free Records Management module has retention capabilities.

    6.Mandatory to have workflow capabilities


    7.Mandatory to have version control capability


    8.Nice to have SSO(Single Sign On) with Liferay portal


    9.Nice to have posibility to expose some of funccionality via portlets in Liferay

    Alfresco and Liferay work very well together.

    10.Document management should be done via the web interface


    11.Nice to have shared drive capability


    12.Nice to have events and notifications about add/change content

    Not sure about this one. The Share module has this feature, but not sure about the main DM application.