If the carousel shown 4 items, to set the autoplay replaced with 4 new items. Here the demo if you click on the item pagination, you can see the effect. But if we set auto play, then change only one item?
autoplay: true,
margin: 10,
nav: true,
loop: true,
responsive: {
0: {
items: 1
600: {
items: 3
1000: {
items: 5
php / html code (cakephp)
<?php $brands = $this -> requestAction('/brands'); ?>
<div class="featured-brands">
<div class="container">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div class="owlcarousel">
<?php foreach ($brands as $brand) {?>
<div class="item"><?php echo $this->Html->image('brands/'.$brand['Brand']['id'].'/'.$brand['Brand']['image'],array('class'=>'img-responsive')); ?></div>
<?php } ?>
I'd set slideBy
to your item count:
autoplay: true,
margin: 10,
nav: true,
loop: true,
responsive: {
0: {
items: 1,
slideBy: 1
600: {
items: 3,
slideBy: 3
1000: {
items: 5,
slideBy: 5