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Cannot create custom toolbar button that works on mobile

I have the simple code:

 <button class="pswp__button" id="CustomButton" style="background:none;" title="Custom" onclick="CustomClicked()">
    <img src="~/CustomImage.jpg"">

This works as expected on desktop browsers. When I switch to mobile though, I cannot get the event to fire when I tap the button. I've tried attaching every event handler I can think of: tap, click, touch, touchstart, etc, and I can still not get any of the events to fire on mobile.

If I invoke the click event through the console, it works on mobile as well, but I can't seem to get the click event to propagate to that control. I've tried setting its zindex to ridiculous values, and still no luck. Anyone have a clue?

After searching for some solutions online, they all seem to have teh same problem. This one, for instance, doesn't fire on mobile either:

var openPhotoSwipe = function() {
    var pswpElement = document.querySelectorAll('.pswp')[0];

    // build items array
    var items = [
            src: '',
            w: 964,
            h: 1024
            src: '',
            w: 1024,
            h: 683
    // define options (if needed)
    var options = {
			 // history & focus options are disabled on CodePen        
      	history: false,
      	focus: false,

        showAnimationDuration: 0,
        hideAnimationDuration: 0
    var gallery = new PhotoSwipe( pswpElement, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, items, options);


$(document).on('click', '.pswp__button.pswp__button--close' , function(){
  alert('d'); // did not fire?

document.getElementById('btn').onclick = openPhotoSwipe;
<button id="btn">Open PhotoSwipe</button>

<!-- Root element of PhotoSwipe. Must have class pswp. -->
<div class="pswp" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">

    <!-- Background of PhotoSwipe. 
         It's a separate element, as animating opacity is faster than rgba(). -->
    <div class="pswp__bg"></div>

    <!-- Slides wrapper with overflow:hidden. -->
    <div class="pswp__scroll-wrap">

        <!-- Container that holds slides. PhotoSwipe keeps only 3 slides in DOM to save memory. -->
        <div class="pswp__container">
            <!-- don't modify these 3 pswp__item elements, data is added later on -->
            <div class="pswp__item"></div>
            <div class="pswp__item"></div>
            <div class="pswp__item"></div>

        <!-- Default (PhotoSwipeUI_Default) interface on top of sliding area. Can be changed. -->
        <div class="pswp__ui pswp__ui--hidden">

            <div class="pswp__top-bar">

                <!--  Controls are self-explanatory. Order can be changed. -->

                <div class="pswp__counter"></div>

                <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--close" title="Close (Esc)"></button>

                <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--share" title="Share"></button>

                <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--fs" title="Toggle fullscreen"></button>

                <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--zoom" title="Zoom in/out"></button>

                <!-- Preloader demo -->
                <!-- element will get class pswp__preloader--active when preloader is running -->
                <div class="pswp__preloader">
                    <div class="pswp__preloader__icn">
                      <div class="pswp__preloader__cut">
                        <div class="pswp__preloader__donut"></div>

            <div class="pswp__share-modal pswp__share-modal--hidden pswp__single-tap">
                <div class="pswp__share-tooltip"></div> 

            <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--arrow--left" title="Previous (arrow left)">

            <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--arrow--right" title="Next (arrow right)">

            <div class="pswp__caption">
                <div class="pswp__caption__center"></div>





  • In order to achieve this functionality, you must edit hte photoswipe-ui-default.js file.

    Your custom button must have the class pswp__button--myCustomButtonName as well as pswp__button.

    <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--myCustomButtonName" id="CustomButton" style="background:none;" title="Custom" onclick="CustomClicked()">
    <img src="~/CustomImage.jpg"">

    Inside the photoswipe-ui-default.js file, you'll see a list of controls:

    var _uiElements = [
            name: 'caption', 
            option: 'captionEl',
            onInit: function(el) {  
                _captionContainer = el; 
            name: 'myCustomButton', 
            option: 'customOptionName',

    You must then add that button name to the options:

     var options = {
                            history: false,
                            escKey: false,
                            closeOnScroll: false,
                            pinchToClose: false,
                            closeOnVerticalDrag: false,
                            customOptionName: true