I want make every button which have suffix class -dummy
(let's call it "dummy") to trigger another button who have same class but without that suffix (call it "real button").
<button class="btn-submit hidden">
triggered by <button class="btn-submit-dummy">
<button class="btn-edit hidden">
triggered by <button class="btn-edit-dummy">
<button class="btn-delete">
triggered by nothing since there is no element with class btn-delete-dummy
Each real button need to be triggered by click on the dummy.
My script so far :
/** If I define manually on each button **/
$(".btn-submit-dummy").click(function() {
$(".btn-edit-dummy").click(function() {
/** end of defining button **/
My idea if written in jQuery and human language (sorry for this ugly way) as the following :
$("button[class$='-dummy']").click(function() {
var realButton = button_which_have_same_class_as_clicked_object_but_trimmed_with_"-dummy";
if(find realButton) {
Please help. Thanks a lot.
Try This:
$("[class$='-dummy']").on('click', function () {
var btnClass = $(this).attr('class').match(/([\w-]+-dummy)+/)[0].replace('-dummy', '');
$("." + btnClass).trigger("click");
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/tusharj/gc3d5yy5/
Hope this helps