I'm struggling with datetimes a bit. I'm using asp.net mvc api controllers, a microsoft sql server and AngularJS.
On some button click I'm sending a JSON formatted date to an api-controller. When I post 2015-11-31 00:00 and I look in Fiddler to see what's really posted, I see that the date is formatted as such: 2015-11-30T23:00:00.000Z. (2015-11-31 - 1 hour UTC+01:00 Amsterdam, Berlin, Ber....) This is perfect because there might be a difference between the timezone the sql server might be in and the client. (Or is it?)
The problem is though: When I get the date back from the sql server it doesn't take the client's time zone into account. When I read the DateTime object from the sql server and I return it JSON formatted, the date that's being displayed is: 2015-11-30T23:00:00.000Z. I want it to add 1 hour to be in the timezone where the client is.
My question is: What do I do to get it to keep the timezone in to account while deserializing the JSON string that comes back from my api-controller?
Problem turns out to be that when the object is being deserialized, the date property is not of type DateTime. It is of type string. Simply converting it to date by using new Date("2015-11-30T23:00:00.000Z") will do the trick.
I made filter for it:
.filter('from_gmt_to_local_date', [function () {
return function (text) {
return new Date(text);
{{contract.StartDate | from_gmt_to_local_date | date:'dd-MM-yyyy'}}
Hope this helps anybody.