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How does Array treat primitive data types as objects?

I am a bit new to Java Programming. Two or three days ago, I encountered a Question regarding arrays in my mind which is give below.

Every Java Programmers knows, Array is a collection of Objects, it doesn't matter whether it contains primitive data types or Strings.

So my Question is, if Array is a collection of Objects so how does it treats or converts primitive data type into objects, because in Java, Primitive Data Type is different from Objects(like Strings). Consider the following program:-

   int[] Array = new int[3];
   Array[0] = 1;
   Array[1] = 2;
   Array[2] = 4;`
   for(int a=0;a<Array.length;a++) System.out.println(Array[a]);

I made the Array or Array Object using new keyword and datatype follows it. This is, of course, workable for arrays. But when I do something like this for variable, it would get fail.

int var1 = new int 3;

For attention, asking again, how does in Java Array treats or converts the Primitive Data Type as Objects, since generally Primitive Data Types are not Objects.

Thank You!


  • in java, there are 2 categories of types: primitive and reference(i.e. objects)

    An array type (whether it's a primitive array or an object array) is always a reference type. For exmaple, int[] is a subtype of Object. You can call any methods in Object on an int[].

    Nevertheless, int[] is an array of primitives, not objects.