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Subclipse + SVNKit keeps asking for credentials when connecting through svn+ssh

I'm using Subclipse to connect to an SVN repository via svn+ssh and a private key (the server has the paired public key). The interface is SVNKit (Pure Java). After I enter the svn+ssh://repository... address I am prompted for credentials. I specify the username and private key file (I did not set a passphrase so it is left blank) and confirm. The window pops up again and this goes on indefinitely. No console message is provided.

Note 1: Marking "Save information" seems to have no effect. If there is a cache I'm supposed to be deleting this could help. I already deleted the keyring file in eclipse.

Note 2: I wasn't sure if the private key should be in SSH2 or OpenSSH formats, but I tried both and there is no difference.

Note 3: I cannot find org.tmatesoft.svn folder under plugins in eclipse. I installed SVNKit from the eclipse update site

Specifications: Windows 7 64 bit, eclipse 4.2.1 64 bit, Subclipse 1.8.16, Subversion client adapter 1.8.3, SVNKit client adapter

If there is any other information or log file I should provide I would be happy to do so.


  • Eventually it turned out that there was a problem with they key. It was encrypted with DSA instead of RSA and the server wasn't set up for it.

    Why I got no message about a bad key pair is beyond me, but with a correct key it worked.