In my class, I have two versions of a method. One takes an Exception
, the other a String
class Foo {
def method(e: Exception) = ???
def method(s: String) = ???
In JMock
, I can mock a call to a method based on its type. Notice, I'm using a subtype of Exception
to be specific about what I'm expecting in my test.
context.checking(new Expectations() {{
and in Scalamock
, I can use a wildcard to match
(mock.method(_: Exception)).expects(*).once
The following doesn't compile when I try to match on a specific subtype (I realise this doesn't make sense in Scala).
// doesn't compile
(mock.method(_: SubTypedException)).expects(*).once
How can I convert the with(any(SubTypesException.class))
in JMock
to Scalamock
? I can imagine using a predicate match (where
), is that the way to go?
Edit: Thinking about it, the JMock
is more about keeping the compiler happy and expressing intent. As I understand it, theMatcher
is anIsAnything
matcher so won't actually fail a test if a different type of exception is thrown.So, it may be asking a bit much of Scalamock to both capture the intent and fail the test under the right circumstance. Bonus points in explaining how to do something like
in Scalamock.
First of all: The following does not compile, since the type ascription is only to help (static) overloading resolution. The line has nothing specific to Scalamock:
(mock.method(_: SubTypedException))
To test the runtime type of the argument you can use ArgThat
which was introduced in ScalaMock 3.2.1
together with a helper function:
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
def typedArg[T, U : ClassTag]: ArgThat[T] = new ArgThat[T]({
case x: U => true
case _ => false
(mock.method(_: Exception)).expects(typedArg[Exception, SubTypedException])