I wrote a c-lang program to read a .pcap file.What fogs me is that the data I read was with a different endianness as to WireShark.
I'm working on X86 ach, as I can see, it's LittleEndian.
So, can I read the .pcap file with BigEndian? How?
Code fragments:
* global header
typedef struct{
// fileds here
} GlobalHdr;
* record (packet) header
typedef struct{
// fileds here
} RecordHdr;
* IP v4 header
typedef struct{
// fileds here
/* the options start here, if tot_len is bigger than 5*/
} Ipv4Hdr;
* UDP header
typedef struct{
// fileds here
} UdpHdr;
* main function
int main(){
FILE *srcfile = NULL; // the .pcap file
GlobalHdr g_hdr = {0};
RecordHdr r_hdr = {0};
Ipv4Hdr ip_hdr = {0};
UdpHdr u_hdr = {0};
unsigned long fl_len = 0;
unsigned long index = 0;
unsigned char sizghdr = sizeof(GlobalHdr);
unsigned char sizrhdr = sizeof(RecordHdr);
unsigned char sizihdr = sizeof(Ipv4Hdr);
unsigned char sizuhdr = sizeof(UdpHdr);
srcfile = fopen (SRC_FILE, "r");
PERR ("source file opening");
fseek (srcfile, 0, SEEK_END);
fl_len = ftell (srcfile);
fseek (srcfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
printf ("file length: %ld\n", fl_len);
// read file global header
if(!fread (&g_hdr, sizghdr, 1, srcfile)){
PERR ("reading global header");
print_ghdr (&g_hdr);
// read blocks
// read block header
if(!fread (&r_hdr, sizrhdr, 1, srcfile)){
PERR ("reading block header");
print_rhdr (&r_hdr);
// read ethernet header
fseek (srcfile, index, SEEK_SET);
// read IP header
if(!fread (&ip_hdr, sizihdr, 1, srcfile)){
PERR ("reading ip header");
print_iphdr (&ip_hdr);
// read UDP header
if(!fread (&u_hdr, sizuhdr, 1, srcfile)){
PERR ("reading upd header");
print_udphdr (&u_hdr);
// read contained data
CHECK_POSITION (r_hdr.orig_len - sizrhdr
- LINK_LAYER_LEN - sizihdr - sizuhdr
fseek (srcfile, index, SEEK_SET);
// clean up
puts ("Done!");
return 0;
So, can I read the .pcap file with BigEndian?
Note that the packet data is (except for some metadata headers, such as USB metadata) in the byte order in which it appears on the network, not the byte order of the host writing the data. For example, 16-bit and 32-bit integral values in IP and TCP headers are always big-endian, as is the Ethernet type field.