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message: 'Unexpected token: punc (.)', while using uglify in grunt


My goal is to concatenate all my css,js files and minify all of them. I can minify my concat.js, but I'm struggling trying to minify my concat.css.


module.exports = function(grunt) {
    "use strict";


        concat: {

            js: {
                src: [



                dest: 'dist/concat.js'

            css: {
                src: [


                dest: 'dist/concat.css'

        watch: {

            js: {

                files: ['js/*.js'],
                task: ['concat:js']

            css: {
                files: ['css/*.css'],
                task: ['concat:css']

        uglify: {

            js: {
                files: {
                    'dist/minified.js': ['dist/concat.js']

            css: {
                files: {
                    'dist/minified.css': ['dist/concat.css']


    grunt.registerTask('default', ['concat', 'uglify']);



I concatenate all my css and js files succesfully, and they're generated at :

  • dist/concat.js
  • dist/concat.css

Then, I can also minify my concat.js with no problem, but I'm struggling trying to minify my concat.css.

I kept getting this error in the bottom of my Terminal :

Running "uglify:css" (uglify) task
{ message: 'Unexpected token: punc (.)',
  filename: 'concat.css',
  line: 4,

and line4 is just the beginning of my class : .mfp-bg {

Can someone please give me a little push here ? Also, should I perform minify after concatenation or the other way around ? Is there a better way to do this ?


  • uglify is for minimising JavaScript only, not CSS.

    If you want to minimise CSS you can use the cssmin task for Grunt instead.