As far as I know, the predecessor of JAX-WS (JAX-RPC) was using a
Client-Stub (Proxy) <--> Server-Skeleton (also called serverside stub, or Tie) system for the communication between Client and Service.
But if I am reading on the topic of communication in JAX-WS, I can't find anything relating Skeletons, serverside stubs, or Ties. Neither can I find anyone writing, that JAX-WS no longer needs skeletons. My researches only lead me to JAX-RPC topics, java rmi, or WSDL to Java approaches (SEI-Skeletons, but i don't think that are the skeletons I am looking for). But something in JAX-WS has to handle and steer the work of taking the SOAP-request, marshalling/unmarshalling it with JAXB and giving the parameters to the Methods of the Service Implementation.
Does anyone know, if JAX-WS is still using skeletons/ties on the server side and how they are created (with link to a source would be cool)? And if they are not used anymore, how is their work done?
I hope, my english isn't too bad.
The skeleton is still there but you can't see it.
The "server stub" in the picture below is the skeleton. It is created based on your annotated classe (@WebService), when the application is deployed.
It is still responsible in parsing the content, but now using JAXB.
Take a look at this link: