I am new to Entity Framework.
I have get to some values in my database using EF. It returns perfectly, and the values are shown in labels. But When I delete all values in my table (without using EF), the EF query is returning my old values. I know the EF stores the values in cache and returns the cached data for subsequent runs. Is this correct?
So how can I solve the problem when I have deleted all values in my database, but EF returns the old values?
Now i used datamodel.SaveChanges()
. But now also it's returning the same old values.
My sample query is look like below:
SchoolBriefcaseEntities datamodel = new SchoolBriefcaseEntities();
List<Compliance> compliance=new List<Compliance>();
IList<ComplianceModel> complianceModel;
if (HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("SuperAdmin"))
compliance = datamodel.Compliances.Where(c => c.School.DistrictId == districtId).ToList();
If you know that changes happened outside of EF and want to refresh your ctxt for a specific entity, you can call ObjectContext.Refresh
datamodel.Refresh(RefreshMode.StoreWins, orders);
If this seems like it will be a common occurrence, you should disable object caching in your queries:
SchoolBriefcaseEntities datamodel = new SchoolBriefcaseEntities();
datamodel.tblCities.MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking;
or to turn off object level caching for specific Entity: