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Create dynamic JSON from foreach

I'm using jquery flot charts to represent my data. Here's the example JSFiddle I made that shows how the JSONS's required for the chart should look.

The data source is from a MySql stored procedure that has the below output example:

enter image description here

I need to represent in the chart, the count values stacked for different innumber's on y-axis, the name values on x-axis, and in another chart, the values for outnumber. (in stacked bars).

-The data series should match, so the specific labels should appear against customers.

Here's the PHP I have so far:

$query = $this->db->query("call GetAllCustomersV2($id, $year, $month, $day)");
$customers = $query->result_array();

foreach ($customers as $customer) {

  if($customer['innumber'] != null){

      $chartInbound['name'] = $customer['name'];
      $chartInbound['label'] = $customer['innumber'];
      $chartInbound['count'] = $customer['count'];
      $chartInbound['customerid'] = $customer['id'];

      array_push($out['chartInbound'], $chartInbound);

   if($customer['outnumber'] != null){

      $chartOutbound['name'] = $customer['name'];
      $chartOutbound['label'] = $customer['outnumber'];
      $chartOutbound['count'] = $customer['count'];
      $chartOutbound['customerid'] = $customer['id'];

      array_push($out['chartOutbound'], $chartOutbound);

The output of print_r($out['chartInbound']); is:

[0] => Array
        [name] => 1st Online Solutions
        [label] => 01-02
        [count] => 577
        [customerid] => 129

[1] => Array
        [name] => Bookngo
        [label] => 01-02
        [count] => 2
        [customerid] => 95

[2] => Array
        [name] => Boutixury
        [label] => 07
        [count] => 1
        [customerid] => 14

[3] => Array
        [name] => Cruise Village
        [label] => 01-02
        [count] => 16
        [customerid] => 25

[4] => Array
        [name] => Cruise Village
        [label] => 00
        [count] => 1
        [customerid] => 25

[5] => Array
        [customer] => Cruise Village
        [label] => 07
        [countInbound] => 16
        [minsInbound] => 125
        [customerid] => 25

The output of print_r(json_encode($out['chartInbound'])); is:

    "name": "1st Online Soultions"
    "label": "01-02",
    "count": "577",
    "customerid": "129"
    "name": "Bookngo"
    "label": "01-020",
    "count": "2",
    "customerid": "129"
    "name": "Boutixury"
    "label": "07",
    "count": "1",
    "customerid": "14"
    "name": "Cruise Village"
    "label": "07",
    "count": "16",
    "customerid": "25"

But this is not very helpful.

Q: How can I create the dynamic JSON's shown in the above jsfiddle, from the query data ?


  • Going through your data with a loop and building up the newData and newTicks arrays for flot to use:

    var newData = [];
    var newLabels = []; // only used to get index since newData has objects in it
    var newTicks = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < dataFromServer.length; i++) {
        var datapoint = dataFromServer[i];
        var tick = newTicks.indexOf(;
        if (tick == -1) {
            tick = newTicks.length;
        var index = newLabels.indexOf(datapoint.label);
        if (index == -1) {
            index = newLabels.length;
            newDataPoint = {
                label: datapoint.label,
                data: []
  [tick] = [tick, datapoint.count];
        } else {
            newData[index].data[tick] = [tick, datapoint.count];
    for (var i = 0; i < newTicks.length; i++) {
        newTicks[i] = [i, newTicks[i]];
    newLabels = null;

    I also had to change your tooltip generation since your code only worked when all dataseries where complete and sorted. It is also simpler now.

    complete fiddle