The cluster debugging option is removed from Visual studio 2012. So is there any way to debug MPI apps in VS2012 ?
Visual studio 2012 and later versions do not support MPI debugging. However there is a workaround:
Start debugging by specifying mpiexec.exe as your command and related parameters and the name of your executable as command arguments:
Command-> mpiexec.exe
CommandArguments-> -n 2 myapp.exe
When the execution starts, use Debug->Attach to process... to attach the debugger to one your processes. Sometimes I add a simple press any key to continue logic to my app, just to pause the program until I finish this attaching process. In order to ease tings you can use an extension called Reattach that lets you attach to the last processed you attached with one button click.
One problem with this workaround is that you cannot select which MPI process you attach :(