I have a problem with my DFS algorithm missing nodes from solution (check image). It happens every time my algorithm encounters a dead end: the node is poped from stack to go back till available move is found, and is never reincluded again. Is there a easy way to fix it without reimplementing whole algorithm?
final int start = maze.getStart();
final int stop = maze.getStop();
final int columns = maze.getColumns();
final int[] moves = { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; //North, E, S, W
int position = start;
Maze.Cells cells = maze.getCells();
Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
while(position != stop){
boolean[] availableMoves = cells.getAvailableMoves(position); //only visit yet unvisited cells
for(int move : moves){
if(availableMoves[move] && maze.isMovePossible(position, move)){
position = doMove(position, move)
continue visitCells;
position = stack.pop();
return stack;
I hope that the code is sefl-explicable. Drawing algorithm is correct, so I dont post it here. Don't hesitate to ask for more information in comments.
I think the problem is that when you make a move from A to B, you are pushing the new position B onto the stack. This means that when you backtrack you never get back to A.
Try reordering:
position = doMove(position, move)
position = doMove(position, move)