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Kofax project and batch class

Kofax Capture Version 9 I have an existing Project and Batch class that works, built previously by Kofax engineer.

What I need to do is change the script in the project to use a new DB connection. This seemed simple enough.

Using project builder I copied the existing project, altered the script and saved the project. Using Capture Administration I copied the existing batch class and then used Synchronize Kofax Transformation Project and pointed to the new project. All this seemed to work without error.

However the script being executed is the original not my altered one, any guidance would be great.


    • Make sure you are creating a new batch after publishing your change. The batch class class update function works in very limited scenarios, so I don't generally recommend it.
    • There are many ways that a database connection might be handled in script. Usually I would expect that a function at the project script level handles the connection and is called from any sub class, but you might want to check any sub classes to make sure they aren't using locally defined connection strings.
    • Even if you are making a connection in script (which you've now changed), you might also be using product features that use databases. Open Project Settings and check the Databases tab.
      • If there are relational databases listed, simply change as needed.
      • If you are actually using "Remote Fuzzy" databases then these might be using Kofax Search and Matching Server which connects to a relational database to build the fuzzy db. In this case you would need to use KSMS Admin to change the connection on the KSMS server.
      • If you are using "Local Fuzzy" databases then the info is based on the content of a text file. You might have some external process (possibly Markview) that dumps this text file from a database.