I am using Matlab coder to compile some .m files into C static library. In the function below, I am getting the following errors:
function net = mlpunpak(net, w)
nin = net.nin;
nhidden = net.nhidden;
nout = net.nout;
mark1 = nin*nhidden;
net.w1 = reshape(w(1:mark1), nin, nhidden); % Error1 ***
mark2 = mark1 + nhidden;
net.b1 = reshape(w(mark1 + 1: mark2), 1, nhidden); % Error2 ***
mark3 = mark2 + nhidden*nout;
net.w2 = reshape(w(mark2 + 1: mark3), nhidden, nout);% Error3 ***
mark4 = mark3 + nout;
net.b2 = reshape(w(mark3 + 1: mark4), 1, nout); % Error4 ***
Error1: Dimension 1 is fixed on the left-hand side but varies on the right ([10 x 8] ~= [:? x :?]). Error2: Dimension 1 is fixed on the left-hand side but varies on the right ([8 x 1] ~= [:? x :?]). Error3: Dimension 1 is fixed on the left-hand side but varies on the right ([8 x 1] ~= [:? x :?]). Error4: Dimension 2 is fixed on the left-hand side but varies on the right ([1 x 1] ~= [1 x :?]).
The value of the variables are nin=10, nhidden=8, nout=1 and this function overwrites the fileds of the net. Any help is highly appreciated.
I think you gave the fields w1, b1, w2, b2
the fixed dimensions somewhere. In this case, you are using a variable-size array
as input of reshape
, that causes the problem. Have a look at this.
UPDATE: ok, i think i solved the errors. In the Overview tab of Matlab coder, i tried to define the fields as matrix of double with unbounded
dimensions. And whoops, Code generation successful: View report
Btw, at the Error 2, i think it's your fault, since the output of reshape
here should be 1x8
, you have to check it yourself regarding to your algorithm.