When performing an action in a component does it break the Flux pattern to access the promise returned from the action creator within the component?
Action Creators
class MyActionCreators extends Marty.ActionCreators {
create() {
return MyActionAPI.create()
.then(res) {
return res;
class MyCompoment extends React.Component {
render() {
<button onChange={ this._clickAction }>Create Me!<button>
// private
_clickAction() {
// Does this break Flux?
.then((res) => {
this.context.router.transitionTo('some_path', { id: res.id });
Are stores the only appropriate place to access this information required in the example above?
This does break Flux because it moves state away from a store and has the action directly communicating with the view.
Making some assumptions on your system, I am going to assume you have a single router that you are trying to update.
Note: Examples are not complete, they just give the basic idea. They are also not based on any implementation of the Flux architecture.
Create a store that will contain the id. The store must emit some sort of change event.
var Store = function() {
Dispatcher.on(MyActionConstants.CREATE_ACTION_DONE, function(payload) {
this._id = payload.id;
Store.prototype.getId = function() {
return this._id;
Create a controller-view (similar to your react component) that will update the router based on a change in the store.
var store = new Store();
store.on('change', function() {
router.transitionTo('some_path', { id: store.getId() })