Using java.awt and javax.swing I've been making a small GUI which will show multiple entries in a JPanel. After successfully displaying a single entry with default text, I started trying to implement a for loop to create multiple entries from a handful of arrays and am having difficulty loading the text strings that label each component. After adding the for loop and arrays I now just get a single black border around a small space with no data.
Here's the code that I'm working with specifically:
package myInterfaceComponents;
import java.awt.*;
public class ListOfEntries extends JComponent {
//instance variables
//worked until arrays added
String[] telephones = {"5551234567", "5557654321", "5555671234"};
String[] names = {"Emily", "Billy Bob", "Wiley Coyote"};
String[] periods = {"2p - 3p", "1a - 5a", "4:30p - 11p"};
private JLabel telephone = new JLabel();
private JTextField name = new JTextField();
private JButton period = new Button();
private StatusCombo serviceCycle = new StatusCombo();
private AreaCombo area = new AreaCombo();
public ListOfEntries() {
setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 3));
for (int x = 0; x == 2; x++) { //worked until added
telephone.setText(telephones[x]); //worked until added
name.setText(names[x]); //worked until added
period.setText(periods[x]); //worked until added
add(serviceCycle); } //worked until add: "}"
Border line = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK);
Border titled = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(line, "Day: DD MMM YYYY");
setVisible(true); }
Obviously I'm doing something wrong with the arrays, or setting the components, but after multiple attempts & google searches I'm missing something. Any help is much appreciated.
I haven't actually tried running your program, but I did notice your loop:
for (int x = 0; x == 2; x++) { //worked until added
telephone.setText(telephones[x]); //worked until added
name.setText(names[x]); //worked until added
period.setText(periods[x]); //worked until added
add(serviceCycle); }
In this loop, you are initializing the counter variable "x" to 0, but then in the next statement you have: x == 2, which will run the loop only when x is equal to 2, and since x was initialized to be 0, this loop will never run. Try changing the statement x == 2 to x < 2 and see if this helps at all.