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what is best practice for Angular drop down menu & ng-option

good day, i created a drop dow menu on AngularJS. but it return to me an object not an item {"deptName":"IT","id":"1"}. i need to return the id only to my table. is there any thing i need to change on ng-options="item.deptName for item in department.departments" see the sample:


angular.module('firstApp', [])

.controller('EmpController', function() {
    var vm = this;
    // define a list of items
    vm.employees = [{
        name: 'Alex',
        id: '2233',
        dept: 'IT'
    }, {
        name: 'Scott',
        id: '2244',
        dept: 'IT'
    }, {
        name: 'Joe',
        id: '2255',
        dept: 'IT'

.controller('DeptController', function() {
    var vm = this;
    vm.departments = [{
        deptName: 'IT',
        id: '1'
    }, {
        deptName: 'Finance',
        id: '2'
    }, {
        deptName: 'Marketing',
        id: '3'


<div class="jumbotron">

    <h1>The Selected is </h1>

    <!-- form to add computer to the list -->
    <form class="form-inline" ng-controller="DeptController as department">
        <div class="form-group">
            <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">Dept menu</label>
            <div class="col-sm-6">
                <!--<select  required="true" ng-model="main.employeeData.dept" ng-options="item.deptName  for item in department.departments">-->
                <!--<option value="">Select Category</option>-->

                <select required="true" ng-model="main.employeeData.dept" ng-options=" as item.deptName for item in department.departments">
                    <option value="">Select Category</option>




  • You need to use as of ng-options like as item.deptName .It will show item.deptName on drop-down value & assign value to the respective select ng-model


     <select required="true" ng-model="main.employeeData.dept" ng-options=" as item.deptName for item in department.departments">
          <option value="">Select Category</option>

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