I need to setup jre6, jre7, jdk7 under my C:\PFiles\metadev\java folder.But I am confused at some points.I have 3 setup files, which are named jdk-6u29-windows-x64, jdk-6u31-windows-x64,jdk-7u3-windows-x64.Also, I have an word document which explains me how to properly setup eclipse and jdk/jre stuff.I have put eclipse under C:\PFiles\metadev.That's OK.Then, in the word document it says that I should put a folder named java, which has already included jdk1.6.0_29, with the following content:
-src(zip file)
After placing java folder, with jdk1.6.0_29, under C:\PFiles\metadev\; the word document says that I should setup jre6, jdk7 and jre7.
Here are the points where I am confused: Does jdk1.6.0_29 stands for jdk 6? Also what does jdk-6u29-windows-x64, jdk-6u31-windows-x64,jdk-7u3-windows-x64 setup files represent(in terms of jdk6, jdk7 etc..)? I have also thought that jre is automatically comes when I setup jdk.Should I setup jdk and jre separately?
Thanks for any help.
jdk1.6.0_29 is jdk6u29
jdk is java development kit which includes jre which is java runtime environment.
If you install jdk-7u3-windows-x64 you should have what you need.