I'm writing an annotation processor to perform the following check at compile time:
which is used to annotate methods.@Apply
should be called apply
and take only one parameter of a class implementing E
I've gotten so far as to identify all annotated methods called apply
and extract the name of the class they take as parameter. So I'm left with :
Element method // this is the Element that represents the `apply` method
TypeMirror mirror //method's TypeMirror
String paramClass // the parameter's class Name.
The question is: How, if at all, can I get out of these the class hierarchy representation of the parameter, so I can check it implements E
Can't use ClassLoader.loadClass
since the class doesn't exist already, but I just need the class hierarchy.
There happens to be an easy way using the javax.lang.model.util.Types.isSubtype()
TypeMirror parameterTypes = mirror.getParameterTypes();
TypeMirror typeOfE = processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement(E.class.getName()).asType();
boolean isSubTypeOfE = processingEnv.getTypeUtils().isSubtype(parameterType, eventType)
With that I can check if the parameter class of the method represented by mirror
is a subtype of the required type E