I am creating a fusebox application in Fusebox 5. It is working fine in my local. When I try it in a railo server, it throws an error like Attempting to execute the parsed file 'MyController.main.cfm' threw an error.
This can occur if the parsed file does not exist in the parsed directory or if the parsed directory itself is missing
in the OnRequest of the core application file. It happens in the line <cfinclude template="#_parsedFileData.parsedFile#" />
and when I dumped the variable it shows like ../../../../../:\projects\Mydomain\MyAppName\/parsed/MyController.main.cfm.
The file path is strange as the Mydomain is my host name where I am having my application(MyAppName is the application name). Can anyone help me to fix this issue?
This may be caused by a conflict between a UDF in Fusebox and a built-in function with the same name in Railo/Lucee.
Try searching the entire Fusebox folder for getCanonicalPath
and replacing each occurrence with getCanonicalPathUdf