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Is there a way to export a TeeChart to PDF?

I've created a TeeChart in RAD Studio XE8 C++ Builder. I know you can use Print or PrintPartial to output to a printer. I'm wondering if there's a way to output this TeeChart to a PDF?

edit: This feature is included in the "pro" version. For now, I'm using the TeeChart Draw function to draw to a bitmap, then use a separate utility to move that into a PDF.


  • You can use TeeSaveToPDFFile function to export a chart and create a pdf document with it. Ie:


    #include <VCLTee.Series.hpp>
    #include <VCLTee.TeePDFCanvas.hpp>


    void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
      TBarSeries *Series1 = new TBarSeries(Chart1);
      TeeSaveToPDFFile(Chart1, "C://tmp//testCBuilder.pdf");

    Another alternative is to use a virtual pdf printer and print the chart to it.