I have the following code block in my REPL
#r "../packages/FSharp.Data.2.2.1/lib/net40/FSharp.Data.dll"
open FSharp.Data
let uri = "http://www.google.com/finance/option_chain?q=AAPL&output=json"
type OptionChain = JsonProvider<uri>
When I run it, FSI is returning
Error 1 The type provider
reported an error: Cannot read sample JSON from'http://www.google.com/finance/option_chain?q=AAPL&output=json'
: Invalid JSON starting at character 1, snippet =
-----json =
------{expiry:{y:2015,m:5,d:8},expirations: [{y:2015,m:5,d:8},{y:2015,m:5,d:15},
This json is valid according to two other sites. Is it a bug in the TP?
The output isn't valid JSON because some keys are not quoted.
puts:[{cid:"43623726334021",s:"AAPL150508P00085000",e:"OPRA",p:"-",c:"-",b:"-",a:"-",oi:"-",vol:"-",strike:"85.00",expiry:"May 8, 2015"},