I use ICE in my code. And I want to run function that needs GameObserverPrx as parameter. I don't want to pass GameObserver by value and I use GameObserver* in slice interface to pass proxy.
What function should I use to cast GameObserver to GameObserverPrx? And second question - Why ICE coudn't do it instead of me? I was searching answer in internet. I only found ObjectAdapter.checkedCast but it serve to another purpose.
Here is error:
The method addObserver(String, GameObserverPrx, Current) in the type GameProxyImpl is not applicable for the arguments (String, GameObserverImpl, null) PrzeciwnikKomputerowy.java /warcaby-serwer/src/main/java/sr/warcaby/serwer line 74 Java Problem
Here are fragments from my code: In this line I see an error.
partia.addObserver(token, new GameObserverImpl(this)), null);
Fragment of GameObserver implementation:
class GameObserverImpl extends _GameObserverDisp { //extends IGameObserverPOA{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
PrzeciwnikKomputerowy p;
public GameObserverImpl(PrzeciwnikKomputerowy p) {
this.p = p;
Fragments of api.ice:
interface GameObserver {
void notifyObserver( CORBAMove lastMove);
interface GameProxy {
void addObserver( string token, GameObserver* o) throws MyException;
bool isMyTurn( string token) throws MyException;
void doMove( string token, CORBAMove move) throws MyException;
Position getPosition( string token) throws MyException;
string showPosition( string token) throws MyException;
Don't feel confused about the name CORBAMove. I used CORBA but I changed my code to ICE.
I have found answer to my question. Now my application works as intended.
I wrote method which create ObjectPrx from Ice.Object. This method use reflection to find cast method for specified class.
On this site I found functions that I needed: https://doc.zeroc.com/display/Ice/Object+Incarnation+in+Java#ObjectIncarnationinJava-proxies
Most important line is: ObjectPrx objectPrx = adapter.addWithUUID(iceObject).
And then I cast using method xxxPrxHelper.checkedCast(objectPrx) which I get from reflection. Here is changed code:
partia.addObserver(token, (GameObserverPrx)
serwer.createProxyForObject(observer, GameObserverPrxHelper.class), null)
Method in class ServerImpl:
public ObjectPrx createProxyForObject(Ice.Object iceObject, Class<?> clazz) {
ObjectPrx objectPrx = adapter.addWithUUID(iceObject);
try {
Method method = clazz.getMethod("checkedCast", ObjectPrx.class);
objectPrx = (ObjectPrx) method.invoke(null, objectPrx);//adapter.createIndirectProxy(id));
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return objectPrx;
Method createProxyForObject is using normal adapter initialized in server constructor (because PrzeciwnikKomputerowy class is still part of server program).
Ice.Communicator communicator = Ice.Util.initialize(args);
ObjectAdapter adapter = communicator.createObjectAdapter("ChessServer");