In jetty-9 the mvn jetty:deploy-war
fails to start the web application. Maven just ends the build, while I expect it to block with a running jetty server. According to the logging output the jetty maven plugin does start a connector on port 8080, and it starts the WebAppContext. It seems to fail binding the port to the context though.
Steps to reproduce:
Create a web app: mvn archetype:generate -DinteractiveMode=false -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DgroupId=jetty -DartifactId=jetty-demo
Add this plugins-section to the pom:
mvn package
mvn jetty:deploy-war
This should start the web app and then block, but it just ends the build
Using jetty-8 all works fine:
Note: mvn jetty:run-war
works as expected in jetty 9. This is the same as deploy-war, but it triggers jetty to build the war before deployment
Reference: the jetty-9 maven plugin manual. And I debugged the jetty startup proces, but without luck so far.
The documentation you linked to tells you why.
Set the daemon
parameter to false
and it will block