I am creating a game and I need to draw some obstacles on in (SKNodes), depending on the level (background image). Let's say I have a tree, i would like to draw borders around it as in the picture below:
I will need the coordinates to create a physicsBody.
Is there a simple way to do it? (maybe a software?)
I will need to adapt the same coordinates for different devices, therefore I believe it's too complicated to manually do it.
Any ideas?
There is a SKPhysicsBody class method that could be of help:
From the description:
Use this method when your sprite has a shape that you want replicated in its physics body. The texture is scaled to the new size and then analyzed. A new physics body is created that includes all of the texels in the texture that have a nonzero alpha value. The shape of this body attempts to strike a good balance between performance and accuracy. For example, fine details may be ignored if keeping them would cause a significant performance penalty.