I have a List that contains objects and each of these objects contains a lot of properties of several types, and each of these properties contains subproperties aswell.
I need to get all the properties via Reflection and store them in one PropertyInfo[] ...
Is this even possible with reflection? I really need to do it via reflection...
There is no such thing as "sub properties" - properties are of a certain type, can have values of a certain type (ie. a subclass of the property type), and that type can have properties of its own.
You can use recursion for this:
List<PropertyInfo> properties = new List<PropertyInfo>();
foreach (object obj in myList)
properties.AddRange(GetDeepProperties(obj, ...));
PropertyInfo[] array = properties.ToArray();
IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetDeepProperties(object obj, BindingFlags flags)
// Get properties of the current object
foreach (PropertyInfo property in obj.GetType().GetProperties(flags))
yield return property;
object propertyValue = property.GetValue(obj, null);
if (propertyValue == null)
// Property is null, but can still get properties of the PropertyType
foreach (PropertyInfo subProperty in property.PropertyType.GetProperties(flags))
yield return subProperty;
// Get properties of the value assiged to the property
foreach (PropertyInfo subProperty = GetDeepProperties(propertyValue))
yield return subProperty;
The above code is just an example:
if somewhere in this "property tree" objects are pointing to eachotherI don't know what you want to do with this array - the reference to the object from which each PropertyInfo
was created is lost, so you can't get or set their values anymore.