I have a table loaded with dynamic data from an api. The <td></td>
displays a company name and when clicked I want a div that has the companies information to be displayed. I saw a few examples and this is what I did:
Here is my handlebars:
{{#each m in model}}
<td >
<p {{ action 'displayDetails' }}>{{m.name}}</p>
{{#if showDetails}}
<div class="company_details">
<p><strong>Wesbite URL: </strong><a href="{{m.website}}">{{m.website}}</a></p>
<p><strong>Development Wesbite URL: </strong><a href="{{m.dev_website}}">{{m.dev_website}}</a></p>
as you can see when you click on the name of the company the displayDetails action is called
here is my controller:
export default Ember.ArrayController.extend({
showDetails: false,
actions: {
displayDetails: function(){
This works great; however if I click the company name all of the company details are displayed not just the company I clicked on. I obviously just want to display the specific detail of the company I clicked on how can I go about this?
Add a property to each item in the model named something like isDetailsShown
You can modify you action by passing the item into the method.
<p {{ action 'displayDetails' item}}>{{m.name}}</p>
In the action, just toggle the property of the passed in item.
displayDetails: function(item){
Finally modify the if condition in the template to look like
{{#if item.isDetailsShown}}