I am now trying to modulize my javascript code using RequireJS. I have 2 JS files (let's say A and B). A is a big file that has main code for my html page. B is a small utility library which is designed to be used by A and any other code in the future.
My plan is to firstly modulize B since B is small. After this I can write all my new code using RequireJS in the future and use B. On the other hand I will gradually modulize A. My concern now is that after I modulize B, is there a way that file A can continue use code in B so that my app can work correctly?
I cannot find out anything about this. Any suggestions, articles or sample code are welcome.
I just find out the answer myself. Actually it's very straight forward. just use RequireJS in your old code. For instance if I need to use JQuery in my old non-modulized code via RequireJS, I just need to:
first configure JQuery in the main.js
baseUrl : '../js',
paths : {
'jquery' : 'jquery/jquery-1.10.2'
and add the main.js in the html
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/require.js" data-main="../js/main.js"></script>
Then in the old code, use the function requirejs to ask the module (JQuery in this case) and invoke the module's functions.
requirejs([ 'jquery' ],function(jquery)
With this way, one can always gradually modulize code from a big, old and non-modulized JavaScript file step by step.